This window shows the table contents or the results of a query.
- the data in this grid can be printed, sorted, copied (to the clipboard), exported or saved
- you can move the columns around in this display, or hide them completely
- F2 shows you the Row Detail for a row
The Data Display window
Formatting your Data
You have many options for formatting the display. In this example:
- the results have been grouped by column JOB_ID
- The average SALARY for each JOB_ID has been calculated
- The display has been given a caption
- The SALARY column has been formatted as a currency
- A Highlight Condition has been specified. This highlights all Salary values greater than $10,000. A number of Highlight Conditions can be specified
- A different Style has been applied to the data. You can select between a number of inbuilt styles, or create your own.
- Once you have formatted the data as required, you can save the layout and reapply it the next time you display this table.
Formatting your data
Link Data
The Link feature allows you to display rows from related tables.
- AQT will automatically pick up relationships from the database. Alternatively you can define your own user-defined-relationships
- As you click on a row, the related rows are shown in the bottom pane
Linking your tables
Display LOBs
AQT has excellent support for BLOBs and CLOBs.
- To display a LOB column, AQT will write the LOBs as a series of files on disk.
- You can display the LOB files in the appropriate external application - whether this is an image-display application or MS Word, etc
- LOBs are supported in other AQT functions, such as Data Export, Data Loader and Data Compare.
Display LOB data
Display XML Data
If you have XML data, AQT's XML Viewer can be used to display the data in an easy-to-read format.
Display XML data
Display JSON Data
If you have JSON data, AQT's JSON Viewer can be used to display the data in an easy-to-read format.
Display JSON data