Replacement for Data Studio for Db2 z/OS

On 31st March 2025 IBM will terminate support for Data Studio for z/OS. The features of Data Studio will be available in IBM Db2 Administration Foundation for z/OS.

Companies looking for a simple, lightweight and standalone alternative to Data Studio for z/OS need look no further than AQT.

  • AQT provides a large amount of information about your database. Not just Tables/Views, but also Tablespaces, Indexes, Triggers, Procedures, Functions etc. Behind the scenes, AQT has over 180 queries against the catalog tables.
  • AQT has a large number of admin functions for creating and managing your database objects.
  • AQT has a powerful query environment which will delight your non-DBA users
  • AQT can automatically convert data from EBCDIC to ASCII. This can be needed if you hold EBCDIC text in binary columns
  • AQT was developed by an ex-Db2 z/OS DBA who was motivated to develop an easy to use yet powerful tool for Db2 z/OS

See here a fuller list of AQT Features.

AQT's Database Explorer window

What do Customers say?

We have been using AQT at my company for many years, mainly with DB2 z/OS - but with many other databases as well. Hands down it beats all other SQL tools, and its abilities to manage tables, views, table spaces, indexes and other objects in DB2 REALLY put it a cut above. Search around for SQL/database Tools for DB2 z/OS and see what you find from anyone other than IBM - you wont find much at all. And IBM itself has nothing to compare.

I use the tool mainly for administration of DB2 z/OS and LUW installations of various release levels. Navigation is very intuitive and super fast. Best I ever experienced with DB2. The many text and SQL generation tools are a great help. The Compare feature is amazingly flexible. Apart from the task of setting Automatic Maintenance (like maintenance window, task scheduler) or extensive mainframe schema change, the tool brings all what I need for my day-to-day tasks, and that has been true for the last 15 years.