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Actions on multiple objects

This window is used for running actions on multiple objects. Open this window from the Database Explorer, by using the buttons in the Admin toolbar such as Drop, Rename, Table Comments, or other functions.

This window is part of the Administration Component of AQT.

Window usage

This is a generic window that can be used for performing a number of different functions. Examples:

Below is the example of the window for Drop Tables.

Object List

When you start this window you will be shown a list of the objects (eg. tables) within your schema.

If you are displaying favorites in the Database Explorer, AQT will either show the favorite objects, or the objects in your schema, depending on the function being performed.

Selecting Items

Skeleton SQL

The SQL that AQT will use to perform the action on the objects is given in Script > View / edit skeleton SQL (or Ctrl+Q). This skeleton SQL is applied against each object you have selected in the grid.

As an example, the skeleton SQL used for dropping tables is drop table <$1:*>.<table:*>. The full syntax of skeleton SQL is not given here, however in the SQL above:

If necessary, you can amend this skeleton SQL by changing it in the Skeleton SQL window. Any changes you make will apply only to the current window. The next time you activate this window, the skeleton SQL will revert back to the default value. If you want to make a permanent change to the skeleton SQL, use the Administration Configuration window.

Preview SQL

Displays the SQL that AQT will use to run to perform the action on the selected objects.


Runs the SQL for performing the action on the selected objects. If this involves running more than one SQL statement, you will be shown the Run Multiple Statements window.

AQT keeps track of whether each SQL statement has been run successfully. If so, the row is de-checked. Any rows that fail to be processed will remain checked for you to correct and rerun. In Drop and Rename modes, the rows are not removed or renamed - if you want to see what effect your changes have had, click on Refresh to refresh the data in the display.

You can also run the SQL with F5.


Clicking on Refresh will refresh the Object List. You might do this, for instance, after you have renamed or dropped some objects and wish to see the new list of objects.

Advanced Query Tool
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