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Options - Window Behaviour

Specifies whether AQT will automatically open new Data Display, Run SQL or Query Builder windows. This topic is discussed in more detail in the Data Display, Run SQL and GUI Query Builder help.

When new SQL window is opened, set to blank

In the SQL window, clicking on Ctrl-N (or File > Open another SQL window) will open a new SQL window. By default, the new SQL window will have the same text (and query) as the SQL you came from. When this option is checked, the new SQL window will have a blank SQL text.

Link SQL Window to Data Window

This option is new with AQT v7, and we recommend that it is checked. When you are using multiple SQL windows, you will find that AQT manages the windows in a more sensible way.

When this option is checked, AQT will "link" an SQL window with the Data Display window that displays the data.

The Query Builder window also behaves in the same way; each Query Builder window will have a Data Display window that is used for displaying the results of the query.

Center dialog windows

By default, AQT remembers the last position a window was located at, and reestablishes this the next time the window is opened. This includes after AQT has stopped / restarted.

This can sometimes cause problems on a multi-display system, especially if a display is removed or positioned differently. In this case, a window can be positioned out of sight. AQT has code to deal with this situation, however there are display configurations where this problem still happens.

This option will help prevent this problem from happening. When it is selected, any dialog windows will be positioned in the center of AQT, rather than at their previous location.

This option can be useful if you are running multiple displays and these are changed from time to time.

There's more on this topic at No windows visible in AQT.

Advanced Query Tool
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