Developed by a DBA, Advanced Query Tool is designed to make the life of a DBA easier. Many features contribute to this.
Advanced Query Tool
has a compare facility for quickly comparing the definition of a table between databases. This is useful if your tables are defined in more than one database. This is fast; you can compare (say) 50 tables in a few minutes.
has a facility for simplifying the management of the security of your tables and views.
can show view definitions in formatted / interpreted mode. With this View you can easily match a view-column with the source of that column.
can run multiple SQL statements. This can be used to run a script file containing a number of SQL statements. Options to pause / amend / retry make AQT one of the best ways to run a large SQL script. The script file can contain hundreds or even thousands of SQL statements.
can generate (simple) DDL for your tables and views.
can generate text containing table and/or column names. This has a large number of uses:
from generating program code
to generating utility statements for your tables.
If you have a large number of tables in your system this feature can save you a large amount of time and typing.
Administration Component
This is part of the Extended Edition of AQT. This has a number of features that are useful for administering a database:
create / alter / drop objects. Not just tables but also indexes, tablespaces, procedures etc