In order to connect to a Snowflake database, you will need the Snowflake ODBC Driver installed on your PC. This can be downloaded from the Snowflake site
This is a 64-bit ODBC Driver, so youwill need to use 64-bit AQT.
In order to access your Snowflake database, you will need to configure an ODBC Datasource for your database. The general process for doing this is described in Configuring a Database Connection.
To configure this, specify:
We discuss the account identifier later.
22000(90105)Cannot perform SELECT. This session does not have a current database. Call 'USE DATABASE', or use a qualified name.
It is recommended that you click on Test to ensure that your connection has been configured correctly.
To find your account identifier, from the Snowflake panel, go to Accounts and find your account url.
Your account identifier is the account url without the https:// at the start.
The account identifier is entered in the Server field of the ODBC Datasource configuration.