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Exporting Multiple Tables

You can export multiple tables in a single operation.

To do this, from the Database Explorer window, click Tools > Export all tables in schema (Ctrl + F7). The Tables to Export tab will show you all tables in your schema. Select the tables you wish to export.


Export Files

In most cases you would want each table export to go to a different file. You can do this by including <schema> and/or <table> in the filename.

In the above example: if you specify an export filename of C:\Apps\AQT\Exports\<schema>_<table>.csv then the following files will be created:





When exporting to Excel, the Worksheet can also contain the the <schema> and <table> keywords.

Only save Excel file once all exports have completed

This option will appear when you are exporting to Excel.

When you have a large Excel file, saving the file can be a time-consuming operation. The export will run significantly faster if AQT only saves the file once all exports have been completed.

When this option is not checked, AQT will save the file every time a table has been exported.


Once you have completed your export, you can click on the Reset button to return the selection to the way it was before you ran the export. This is useful if you wish to rerun your export with different options.

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