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Writing the results to an Excel spreadsheet

The Compare can write the results to an Excel spreadsheet. This is done with the following options on the More Options tab.

Compare Results to Excel

Some notes:

This is a separate function to Copy Results to Excel, which copies the data in the results grid to Excel and is only available when Compare is run in interactive mode.

Specifying the Sheet Name

The sheet name can include:

You can include these specifications in a longer string - eg. Compare_<tname>_<date> or <schema>_<tname>

If a worksheet of this name already exists, it will be overwritten. If you are running the compare multiple times, you can avoid this by using <date> and/or <time> in the sheet name.


You can see the results by clicking on the View button to view the Excel file.

Note that the Excel file will not open in the sheet which was just written. You will need to navigate to this.

You must close the Excel file before running the compare again.

Compare Excel results

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