To run the Compare click on the Compare button. To stop the compare, click on Abort.
Once the compare has completed, you will be shown the compare results on the Results tab.
the two tables are shown side-by-side. Key columns are shown as black-text on light-yellow background. Columns which are not compared are shown as grey-text on white-background.
the icon on the left shows you whether that row was compared OK, is different, or is not present in one of the tables.
values which are different between the two tables are shown in yellow.
as you scroll through the tables, the other table will scroll with it.
as you click on cell, AQT will show you, in the status bar, the value of the cell in the other table.
if you double-click a cell (or right-click and select View Cell), you will be taken to the Data Compare Detail window. This shows you the two values side-by-side for easy comparison of the values.
you can view the detail of a row by right-clicking a cell and selecting Show Detail.
if you have a LOB-file, you can right-click and select View as to view the LOB value in an external application.
you can print a grid with File > Print Grid (or Ctrl+P). This will print the grid you have last clicked-on.
you can copy a set of cells by selecting them and hitting Edit > Copy Cells (or Ctrl+C). You can select all cells in a grid with Edit > Select All (or Ctrl+A).
Only seeing rows which are different
if you are comparing large tables, it is recommended that, on the Options tab, you select Only show that are different. When this is selected, only rows which are different are written to the grid. This will reduce the overhead involved in writting the data to this grids.
if you don't use the above option, but are displaying all the rows, you can see the rows that are different by clicking on View > Only show rows that are different. This will hide all rows in the grid where the rows are the same. Hiding rows is a slow operation, so this is not recommended if your tables are large.
you can re-display all rows with View > Show all rows.
another option is to use Edit > Find non-matching row (or F3). This allows you to move through the grids finding the rows which are different.
on the Show Compare Detail window is an option Next/Prev Diff. This allows you to move through the compare results only seeing the rows which are different.