for textboxes, listboxes and other unicode controls, the font is set with Options > Unicode Options.
The Cancel Queries component does not function on Wine. Options > Cancel Queries > Cancel Mode will be set to "None". Do not change this.
File Locations - you may want to check and/or change the locations where your files are saved. This is done with Options > File Locations
Query Builder - On the Gui tab, you will not be able to set joins by dragging a table column to another table, or deselect/select which columns to display. To build a query you will need to use the other tabs "Tables/joins" and "Columns".
If AQT becomes unresponsive, it could be the current active window is behind the visible window. Minimize AQT to see if this is the case.
Export to Excel or Load from Excel will not work unless Excel is installed.