These options appear when your pivot column is a numeric or date column. In this case, you may not want columns in your Pivot table for every single value of the pivot column. Instead, you may want to specify a range of values to use. The following shows an example of this.
This example summarises the Order_Details table. It shows, for each part, how many orders are for 0-5 parts, how many are for 6-10 parts etc.
Note that:
when a column has (for instance) >5 to 10, this means greater than 5, and less than or equal to 10.
if you have selected the checkbox include end slot, AQT will add a column for values greater than the last slot you have specified (this is the >40 column in the example below).
if your Pivot column contains null values, you may wish to check the include NULL slot checkbox. AQT will include a slot which contains the results for Null values of the pivot column.
you can use this feature with numeric and date columns only. It should not be used with Timestamp or Time columns.