Managing Indexes, Keys and other parts of a table definition
A table also has a number of "Related Objects" such as Indexes, Views, Triggers etc. These are shown on the other tabs in the Manage Table window.
In all of these cases (except for Primary Key), a table may have multiple of these objects. Consequently, the displays are split into two halves:
the left half lists gives a list of the objects
the right half displays the details of the selected object
This is shown in the following screenshot, which is for Indexes.
In create, alter and redefine modes some buttons will be displayed below the object list:
New - creates a new object of that type. Once you have created a new object, it will be added to the object list.
Delete - deletes the object. In create and redefine modes, the object will be removed from the object list. In alter mode, the object will be marked as pending deletion.
Modify. Click on this to modify the object. In alter mode, you will only see this button if it is a new object - once you have created the object (eg. after you have clicked on Run), it cannot be modified.
When you click on New or Modify, you will be taken to the Manage Object window for that object.